CLICK HERE to include your loved ones in the the Yizkor Memorial Booklet. For $36 per listing your loved one will be mentioned as part of the Keil Molei Rachamim prayer at each of the 4 Yizkor services throughout the year. This Tzedakah, which is earmarked for Torah education, will serve as a merit for the soul of your dearly departed. 


Dear Friend,
The Yizkor prayers are said in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur-the Day of Atonement-and on the last day of each of the Festivals of Passover, Shavu'ot and Sukkot. In these prayers we ask G‑d to 'remember' the souls of family and friends who have passed away. Yizkor, to remember, also provides us with a special opportunity to connect with our loved ones.
We can ensure that your loved ones are indeed remembered at these four times.
The prayer asks G‑d to remember the soul of the departed because the one reciting it pledges to give charity on the deceased's behalf. In the merit of this charity, the person asks that the deceased's soul be bound in the "Bond of Life" together with the souls of the forefathers and mothers and the other righteous people in the Garden of Eden.
The pledge to charity is included because of the understanding that an act of charity will contribute to redeeming a soul, and the prayer essentially asks God to take note of the charity and let it serve as a merit for the soul of the relative.
Memory is especially powerful when the past can be an inspiration. When we remember our loved ones, their life is not just a passive memory, but becomes active and their light -eternal. For those who have passed on, they merit the continuous impact in both the physical world and the spiritual world-to-come.
For this reason part of the Yizkor service includes a pledge to Tzedakah, charity, a mitzvah done on behalf of the deceased's soul. Another mitzvah is Torah study, which our tradition teaches brings spiritual benefits to the soul in whose merit the Torah is studied.
With this in mind, we have created a Yizkor booklet including the names of our loved ones. Each name will be included for $36 and will be used to support Torah classes. You create a double mitzvah: Tzedakah and Torah study on behalf of your loved ones.
We will mention every name in the Yizkor booklet as a part of the Keil Malei prayer at each of the four Yizkor services throughout the year. To participate, please
CLICK HERE and fill out the online form.

With Torah blessings,
Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz
Rabbi Dovid Tenenbaum